Xara designer pro x10
Xara designer pro x10

xara designer pro x10

In addition, users can choose to have all web pages presented as a single scrolling list of pages, one below the other (ideal for pages to be viewed in a PDF style format), or arranged horizontally, one beside the other, with swipe actions (on touch devices) to navigate from page to page. This new release features Xara’s innovative new publishing technique called Supersites that are an alternative way of publishing print documents and websites instead of just being a separate set of web pages, with the typical ‘click-wait-load’ way to navigate a website, a ‘supersite’ provides instant navigation between pages, along with slick animated page transitions - all designed to make a website stand-out from the crowd.

xara designer pro x10

Xara Designer Pro supports multi-core processors for even faster performance, and provides tools that might typically be required by professional designers such as PANTONE®, CMYK, color separations and PDF/X. Xara Designer Pro is the world's highest performing graphics software with speeds enabling more complex and realistic graphics to be created more easily and in less time. By combining all these tools in one program, Xara Designer Pro achieves faster performance with no program switching, which has the advantage of an easier learning curve, high productivity and excellent value for money. Xara announces a new release of Xara Designer Pro X10, the ultimate all-in-one creative software that provides all the tools for a range of graphic design tasks that would normally require three or more separate ‘suite’ programs: illustration, photo editing, web graphics, advanced page layout (Desktop Publishing & PDF), websites and more.

Xara designer pro x10